Our versatile production capacities starting from weaving the grounds, enable us to create prints beyond imagination.

Whatever the material, V can deliver the sharpest print quality on earth.

Be it natural or synthetic, a long or short production run, several thousand metres, or a modest print run, from devouré to discharge and digital print. – Vanelli has the flexibility, machinery and capacity to fulfil every conceivable order.

Vanelli has the flexibility, machinery and capacity to fulfil every conceivable order.
Prints & Burnouts

Whatever the material, Vanelli has the flexibility, world-class machinery, and capacity to fulfil and deliver every conceivable order, whether natural or synthetic, a long or short production run, several thousand metres, or a modest print run.

Digital printing technology has advanced dramatically over the last few years. We can print on transfer print on different fabrics from light to heavy prom polyester to natural fabrics in 300cm.

Flatbed is a traditional printing method that uses silk mesh flat screens to apply the design to fabric up to 10 colours per design. We are specialised in wide width burn out qualities. Once the printing stage is done, Vanelli offers a variety of special effects that we can apply to the fabric. Including foiling, metallic, paste white, glitter and burn out.

Cloth range with over 100 different cloth bases under one roof there are no limits to our creative and technical capacity. In short, please don't limit your imagination; dream a little more and let us transform your dreams into reality. 

Vanelli has a variety of lightweight cloths suitable for home textile use, including cotton, linens, polyester and fr and Trevira CS, and recycled fabrics, which can be used for a range of drapery, curtain, upholstery and your contract fabrics.

Flatbed meets high-end digital printing technologies under one roof. With a vast selection of cloth bases and special exceptional effect capabilities, Vanelli has it all.

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