Our Human Resources Policy

Türkün holding aims to establish system, to ensure continuity and to builds up a human resource that can be used in the direction of its goals and values and that can be a place where the employees can work effectively, dynamically, have values and bliece in team work and feel happy and secure.Our strategy;Sharing all the information necessary for the employees and beiing aware of information sharing.Interviewing all the candidates who are able to provide the expected job outputsCreating an effective and productive workforce that is needed to meet the bussiines – living requirements.Reflecting our thougths and values in our activitiesBeing a pioneer of innovative, patient and fair work.

Our Energy Policy

Our company, which designs, produces, markets and sells high-end upholstery and drapery fabrics and home textile products, in all peer to peer business fields in line with its strategic goals;
* Full compliance with the legal regulations on energy and all the conditions accepted by us as a compliance obligation,
* Continuous improvement, evolution and accessibility our Energy Management System, providing access to all kinds of information and data in order to increase our energy management performance,
* Preference for energy-efficient products, energy-efficient technologies and applications in production and in all our processes, and providing services,
* Observing continuous improvement while determining the goals and objectives in energy performance and management, regularly reviewing and updating the determined goals and providing the necessary resources,
* Taking energy efficiency improvements into account when designing and revising products and production processes,
* Sensitization of our employees, suppliers and our entire value chain for resource and energy efficiency,
* Proactive solutions by evaluating risks and opportunities from an energy point of view,
Chairman of the Board

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The priority of our company, which carries out the design activities, production, marketing and sales of high-end upholstery and drapery fabrics and home textile products, is always human. Occupational health and safety is an important part of our corporate culture.
With the awareness that occupational safety is a value given to human life, we take preventive actions for occupational health and safety.
Within the framework of the respect principle for people, we apply the continuous improvement approach in occupational health and safety as in all our processes.
At the same time, with our sensitive approach to our employees, society and environment, we are aware of our responsibilities regarding occupational health and safety.
With a systematic approach; We take steps to contribute to the development of occupational health and safety culture, to minimize the risks related to the occupational health and safety, and to increase awareness in the society.
With our goal of zero work accident and occupational disease, we will continue to work to create a sustainable occupational health and safety management system by implementing practices that will add value to human life.
In our OHS Policy;
• Establishing a healthy and safe working environment in the workplace is our main priority. In this context, to minimize all kinds of material and moral losses that may occur, to fully implement all kinds of preventive and protective measures against injuries, deterioration of health and dangers of employees during our operations,
• We attach importance to the active involvement of our employees in all processes of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and value their opinions. To contribute to our employees' awareness of occupational health and safety by conducting regular trainings on OHS,
• All necessary legal and other requirements related to occupational health and safety are fulfilled completely and in accordance with national and international OHS regulations,
• Within the scope of our goal of continuous improvement in all areas, we are committed to increasing the performance of our Occupational Health and Safety systems and committed to continuously improving them.
Chairman of the Board

Our Social Comliance Policy

As a company, we put human life above everything else. We carry out process management with a long-term and holistic perspective, based on sustainable approaches for all components in our value chain such as; employee, customer, partners, society, environment etc.
In our current strategies and projects for all our partners, we positio ourselves against all forms of discrimination; We carry out studies with the aim of respecting ethical values, based on trust, giving priority to equality of opportunity, and ensuring social health, safety, welfare and happiness in the best way possible.
In our relations with our employees and all other partners, we undertake to act in accordance with our policies and ethical values that we have determined in our business, and to effectively implement the following policies:
Forced Labor;
Not to employ involuntary workers in return for debt by force or coercion.
Child Labor;
Not to employ people and children under the age of 18 according to laws and regulations. Family consent is required for interns.
To offer equal opportunities to people in recruitment, working life and leaving the job; not to discriminate in any way on the basis of gender, race, origin, religion, sect, ancestry, age, political opinion, marital status, disability, illness or any value and status. In addition, to carry out its practices such as social assistance, promotion, dismissal and discipline practices in this direction.
Working Hours and Payments;
To implement the working hours by considering the work-life balance as well as basing it on the applicable laws and obligations. Complying on a voluntary basis in overtime practices. Giving competitive wages according to the labor market in the industry, not employing workers below the minimum wage; to pay wages, overtimes and side payments on time in accordance with applicable laws and employment contracts.
Maltreating and Abuse;
Not to impose disciplinary punishments other than the practices specified in the relevant laws and regulations, to respect the dignity and personality of the employees; not to engage in acts that can be considered physical, verbal, psychological pressure, intimidation or sexual harassment.
Freedom of Representation (Association);
In accordance with legal conditions and standards, not to discriminate against our employees because they are members of unions, associations or societies, and to respect the right of our employees to be represented and being able to bargain collectively.
Ethical Business Conduct;
No corruption, fraud, embezzlement or bribery is tolerated in our company.
Occupational Health and Safety;
To eliminate all risks that may threaten the health of workplace employees against occupational diseases, work accidents and injuries, to take preventive measures and to ensure that employees are part of this protective measures; To ensure the continuity of work environments where they can work safely, healthily and efficiently with innovative techniques.
To comply with the current environmental legislation, to take preventive measures against environmental pollution that may occur due to environmentally friendly practices and activities, to work towards reducing the consumption of natural resources, to raise awareness of the employees about the environment.
Relations with Our Employees;
In our company, no wage deduction sanction is applied to create employee discipline. All of our employees work in accordance with working rules, job descriptions and work instructions.
Supplier Relations;
To fulfill our obligations and further develop relations with our suppliers in accordance with the laws and in a timely manner, to ensure the development of our suppliers as well as our own development process, to create mutual benefits in our relations and to act honestly.To take and evaluate suppliers' social compliance commitments and to adopt a mutual cooperation approach for improvements.
Relations with Stakeholders;
To enable employees to share their satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction with any work-related issue using communication tools, to establish a dialogue with the society and stakeholders on workplace-related or work impacted areas when appropriate. To provide timely and effective feedback to the shared posts.
Management system;
Our social compliance activities; To make it sustainable with continuous improvements and regular reviews by our customers in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, social compliance standards, workplace code of conduct and BSCI principles.
Chairman of the Board

Our Quality Policy

As a company, one of the key elements and most valued part of our journey to reach perfection is quality.
While this approach forms the basis of our corporate culture, we also adopt total quality management as a lifestyle.
In our wide product range, we aim to respond to the needs of today and the future in the fastest way by developing innovative products in line with global customer expectations and needs.
In order to improve our competitive advantage and create value for all our partners, we focus on carving out better place for our service quality with continuous improvement and development activities.
While contributing to a sustainable future with innovative and environmentally friendly products at international standards, we also continuously improve our quality management systems at financial and operational aspects.
Our company, which designs, produces, markets and sells high-end upholstery and drapery fabrics and home textile products, in all fields of activity in line with its strategic goals;
• To keep customer satisfaction at the highest level by clearly understanding customer expectations and meeting the requirements,
• To maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with all business partners in cooperation,
• Achieving company goals and objectives with team awareness by providing training and motivation to employees,
• To increase productivity, to keep the product quality at the highest level and to make error-free production by incorporating innovative approaches in production, information technology and the best applicable techniques into business processes,
• To ensure competitiveness at the international level by adopting the principle of continuous improvement and development in all units,
• While performing our activities, we are committed to meeting all laws and regulations as well as partner expectations that must be complied within the framework of the relevant standards.
Chairman of the Board

KVKK Politikamız (TR)

Veri Sorumlusu ve Kişisel Verilerin İşlenme Amaçları
Bu aydınlatma metni, 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanununun 10. maddesi ile Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğünün Yerine Getirilmesinde Uyulacak Usul ve Esaslar Hakkında Tebliğ kapsamında veri sorumlusu sıfatıyla Türkün Holding A.Ş. tarafından hazırlanmıştır.
Veri Sorumlusu sıfatıyla Türkün Holding A.Ş. tarafından toplanan kişisel verileriniz;
Acil Durum Yönetimi Süreçlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Bilgi Güvenliği Süreçlerinin Yürütülmesi,
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Denetim / Etik Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Eğitim Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Erişim Yetkilerinin Yürütülmesi,
Faaliyetlerin Mevzuata Uygun Yürütülmesi,
Finans Ve Muhasebe İşlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Görevlendirme Süreçlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Hukuk İşlerinin Takibi Ve Yürütülmesi,
İç Denetim/ Soruşturma / İstihbarat Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi,
İletişim Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi,
İnsan Kaynakları Süreçlerinin Planlanması,
İş Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi / Denetimi,
İş Sağlığı / Güvenliği Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi,
İş Süreçlerinin İyileştirilmesine Yönelik Önerilerin Alınması Ve Değerlendirilmesi,
İş Sürekliliğinin Sağlanması Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Organizasyon Ve Etkinlik Yönetimi,
Performans Değerlendirme Süreçlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Sözleşme Süreçlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Stratejik Planlama Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Ücret Politikasının Yürütülmesi,
Yetenek / Kariyer Gelişimi Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Yetkili Kişi, Kurum Ve Kuruluşlara Bilgi Verilmesi,
Yönetim Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi, 5651 sayılı kanun uyarınca işlenmesi,
Kurumsal İletişimi sağlamak,
Toplantı süreçlerine ait faaliyetlerin yürütülmesi amaçları ile sınırlı olarak işlenecektir.
Kişisel Verilerin Kimlere Hangi Amaçla Aktarılacağı
Bu kişisel veriler yurtiçinde;
SGK ve Diğer Yetkili Kurum ve Kuruluşlar,
Mali Müşavirler, Muhasebeciler,
Maliye Bakanlığı,
Kamu İhale Kurumu ve Diğer Yetkili Kurum Ve Kuruluşlar,
Gerçek kişiler veya özel hukuk tüzel kişileri,
Hissedarlar, İş Ortakları, İştirakler ve Bağlı Ortaklıklar,
Topluluk Şirketleri,
Yetkili Kamu kurum ve kuruluşları,
Tedarikçi, Müşteri alıcı gruplarına İştirakler ve Bağlı Ortaklıklara ait kurumsal kurallara uyulması amacıyla,
Faaliyetlerin Mevzuata Uygun Yürütülmesi,
Hukuki sorumlulukların yerine getirilebilmesi,
Bireysel Emeklilik Sigortası alanında faaliyet gösteren şirketlere BES aylık primlerinin ödenebilmesi amacıyla,
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Personel Servisi Hizmeti alanında faaliyet gösteren şirketlere servis hizmetinin yerine getirilebilmesi için amacıyla,
Lojistik Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi, Hukuk İşlerinin Takibi Ve Yürütülmesi,
İş Faaliyetlerinin Yürütülmesi / Denetimi, İthalat / İhracat Süreçlerinin Yürütülmesi,
Teşviklerin hesaplanabilmesi için amacıyla amaçları kapsamında aktarılabilecektir.
Bu kişisel veriler, yurtdışında Topluluk Şirketleri alıcı gruplarına Elektronik toplantı kayıtlarına ait verilerin depolanması amaçları kapsamında aktarılabilecektir.
Kişisel Verileri Toplama Yöntemlerimiz ve İşlenme Şartları
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Kişisel Verilerinizle İlgili Haklarınız
İlgili kişiler kişisel verilerine ilişkin haklarını kullanmak için öncelikle veri sorumlusuna başvurmak zorundadırlar.
Kanunun 14'üncü maddesine göre Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu'na doğrudan şikâyette bulunulamaz.
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Kişisel veri işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme,
Kişisel verileriniz işlenmişse buna ilişkin bilgi talep etme,
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Kişisel verilerin kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğramanız hâlinde zararın
giderilmesini talep etme.
Veri Sorumlusuna Başvuru Yöntemi
Fethyie OSB Mah. Gri Cadde 2. Sok. No:2 Nilüfer / BURSA adresine yazılı olarak;
turkun@hs03.kep.tr adresimize, kayıtlı elektronik posta adresinizi kullanarak;
Sistemimizde kayıtlı bulunan veya size ait olduğu teyid edilen elektronik posta adresiniz üzerinden info@turkunholding.com e-posta adresine göndererek yapabilirsiniz.
Başvuru yapılırken uyulması gereken usul ve esaslar hakkındaki daha detaylı bilgiye Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu'nun "Veri Sorumlusuna Başvuru Usul ve Esasları Hakkında Tebliğ" ile ulaşabilirsiniz.
Chairman of the Board